Thursday, May 12, 2011

Men of few words: But I still need comfort

Okay so this blog stems from a guy I was talking to. Well in this eyes we were talking and I was really trying to past time. Hey can you blame me I had no one else to amuse me at the moment. But the problem with that is anything they say that's stupid just annoys you the heck! But anyways me and him no longer speak I had to cut that off when he said those three words! I was like ummmmmm nawww lol but really I felt bad because I was like you wasted this mans time, but in my defense I never told this man that I wanted to pursue anything.
MEN remember not all woe are the same. Some are verbal other display is in there actions. I am verbal. I don't say it then it means nothing.
Anyways last week this guy and I were like talking and he asked whats wrong because I sounded distracted which I was. Why basically I have been training hard for this pageant in August. If you keep up with my tweets or me you know I have been putting in no less than 3hrs in the gym max 5 excessive yes but I am overly excessive when it comes to training(measuring food, workouts, sleeping on time, water intake etc). But that past week my knee had been just bugging out. I would run stairs and the pounding would kill me. I would try to run the treadmill and do my daily 6 mile but I would literally get only five minutes into the run and my knee would feel like its falling off. So i went to see a doctor that friday and they serif its more then likely a strained ligament so i have to be off it for a week. That literally was a blow to my heart. The first thing that ran through my head was like no workouts=no eating really call it crazy but thats what I think of. So I am bummed out that day and this guy happens to call to talk and he asked what was wrong. I told him the situation and you know what he says "OK"  and then ask what am I doing now!!!!!!!
Wait rewind all you have to say is "ok what am I doing now"
My life is over (maybe an exaggeration) but it felt like that at the moment and all you have to say is ok no no no. that's what irked me more. I already was just wasting your time trying to pass my time. You should be trying to console me.
Okay so I understand that some guys are few with words. That's granted and I understand so I don't push it. But when someone who you supposedly are feeling tells you something that they consider divesting regardless of if you think its the end of the world its the end of their world so just saying ok is not good enough.
He could have easily said "Well Gozi that really is unfortunate but I am sure once you rest it for the week you will come back stronger then ever" look in less than 30 words hell you wouldn't even have to take in more air to keep speaking.
I should really date myself lol
But at the end of the day I do understand some guys just don't talk that's fine. I don't speak sometimes either(masculine tendencies in me) but just a few words won't hurt.
No one asked you to cry a river, or get all sappy on me just a few words of encouragement and leave it there.
When I speak to someone I want to know when I feel like I am in a pit they can reach down and lift me up, just like I would do for them.
When your legs get tired of standing they pick you up and carry you the remainder of the way.

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